Our school motto 'Creating opportunities for success' reminds us that we have a communal responsibility to ensure that students and staff have diverse opportunities to grow and develop into active learners and good citizens.
To be successful at Kingswood High School all students are expected to try their best and be respectful. I require them to demonstrate cooperation, consideration and respect to their peers and my staff to enable a strong differentiated learning environment where all students can achieve their personal best.
The Student Handbook sets out our code of conduct, uniform requirements, school policies and rules. I expect all students to follow our expectations and ask parents to support the school by reinforcing them at home.
I would encourage parents to remain active and involved in their child’s education. This can be in a range of ways such as becoming a parent tutor, attending the parents and citizens' association (P&C) meetings, joining us at parent-teacher nights or requesting, through their year adviser, comments on student participation and progress.
We trust that your association with Kingswood High School, as a student or parent will be a long and happy one.
Mr Adam Forbes