Kingswood High School

Creating opportunities for success

Telephone02 4736 1202

Religion and ethics

NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. Special education in ethics is an option for your primary-age child if you withdraw them from special religious education. For more information, visit Religion and ethics.

Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) at Kingswood High School

Kingswood High School provides Combined Christian SRE taught by representatives of the Australian Christian Churches in a combined group arrangement. The participating approved providers in the combined group arrangement are the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Baptist Union of NSW, The Salvation Army, Christian Community Churches of Australia, Australian Christian Churches and Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW).

The SRE Curriculum used by the Australian Christian Churches at Kingswood High School is the CEP Think Faith curriculum. You can find out more about this curriculum at About Think Faith.

Combined Christian SRE is the only SRE option currently available at Kingswood High School.  If other SRE options become available, we will communicate new options via our school website, the school Facebook page and a letter home.

Please click on the documents below

Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) at Kingswood High School

Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics Participation Letter
Voluntary Timetabled Scripture Class permission note

About Think Faith