Kingswood High School

Creating opportunities for success

Telephone02 4736 1202

Extra curricular activities

Our school participates in a variety of extra-curricular activities.


All students taking part in excursions which involve the use of public transport are required to have their own personal child or youth Opal card (with sufficient credit).

Once a student turns 16-years-old they must also carry a valid NSW senior secondary student concession card to be eligible to use a child or youth Opal card. The NSW senior secondary student concession card can be collected from our school front office. 

Students who use their school Opal card for any travel other than home to school or school to home may have their school Opal card confiscated by Transport for NSW officials on the spot and liable to pay the full fare.

Excursion live updates

There will be times when we might need to reschedule or even cancel an event due to effects of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances.

If and when this arises, we will try our best to notify you as early as possible, by posting the details on our Kingswood High School official Facebook page.